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Full text access

The tools on this page help you to avoid paywalls when accessing online books and journals.

Libkey Nomad

Screenshot: Libkey Nomad badge and article buttons

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension. It enables instant access to PDFs, or other Library links for resources from hundreds of scholarly sites, including:

  • Wikipedia
  • PubMed
  • Google Scholar.

It helps you avoid paywalls.

As you browse scholarly sites it automatically displays buttons for Bond Library subscriptions and services for:

  • PDF downloads
  • Links to journal table of contents
  • Article links to read online (web page)
  • Access options to request a copy
  • Manuscript links or pdfs
  • Links to ebooks

This browser extension is installed for Edge, Firefox and Chrome on Bond University computers. The Library's licence includes use on your personal computers.

Download LibKey Nomad

After installation, open the extension and choose Bond University from the list of institutions.

Full text access in reference managers

Tools such as Endnote and other reference managers can be configured to locate via Library Search, full text from citation data. The details you may need to configure are:

  • Base URL:
  • Authentication URL (used in Endnote):

Copy and paste these into your reference manager settings.

Find it @ Bond

In some of our subscription databases you will see a link or button - Find It @Bond. This will be useful when full text is not available directly in the interface. It takes the resource details and checks Library Search for availability. If it is not available in full text, you will get the option to request the resource.

You can turn on this feature in Google Scholar by setting up your library links.

  1. Go to Google Scholar
  2. Open the settings
  3. Select Library Links
  4. Search for 'Bond Library'
  5. Tick 'Bond University Library - Find It @Bond'
  6. Click Save
    Google Scholar record

Reload site via Bond Library for access

Ezproxy (being phased out)

This ezyproxy bookmarklet gives you access to journals and other subscription-only content from off-campus or the wireless network with one click via Bond Library. There is no need to use this if you access content via Library Search or the electronic resources page. If you have discovered content from Google, or social media, or someone has emailed you a link this tool will make it easier to get to the full text.


Drag this button to your bookmark toolbar to reload a pay-walled content page via the Library's ezproxy authentication. When you use this bookmarklet it:

  • reloads the page
  • asks you to authenticate with your Bond credentials
  • passes you through to the full text content if it is in the Library collection of e-resources

There are a few e-resources that do not use ezproxy, but the majority will work.

Hint! Drag the button to your bookmarks bar, don't click the button


Dragging a button to the bookmark bar

Open Athens (under construction)

This OpenAthens bookmarklet gives you access to full text via Bond University Library subscriptions.

If you discover content from Google, or social media, or via an email, this tool enables you to reload the page via OpenAthens to see if the Library can provide full text access.

Read via Bond Library

Drag this button to your bookmark toolbar to reload a pay-walled page on a scholarly site. When you use this it:

  1. reloads the page
  2. asks you to authenticate with your Bond credentials
  3. checks if the Library has full text access via OpenAthens

There are a few resource that are not compatible with OpenAthens, but most Library subscriptions are covered.

Hint! Make sure your bookmarks bar is visible, then drag the button - do not click it.

Alternatively, make a bookmark for any page, then edit the link inserting this code.


Open Access