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Architecture and built environment, Business and management, Communication and creative media, Language, Health sciences and medicine, Law, International relations and humanities, Social sciences, psychology and counselling
Data type:
Covered by Bond University licence
Literature review, Reading and writing, Reference management
Plug-in, Web application


Web based referencing software for simplifying the creation of bibliographies and managing citations used in your research.

Features include:

  • Import references you have gathered from online databases such as Ebsco, ProQuest and Library Search
  • Save to refworks bookmarklet in your browser favourites
  • Save online articles to folders
  • Annotate citations
  • Sync citations from your RefWorks library into Word
  • Save your RefWorks library in Dropbox
  • Create an instant bibliography or reference list in any of the major referencing styles
  • Connect to Resource Lists

How to access:

  1. Use OpenAthens in the institutional login menu.
  2. After signing in, set an alternate password to integrate Refworks with other systems such as Resource Lists, and Google Docs.

Where to get help:

Faculty librarians can assist with using RefWorks, and with referencing advice.

+61 7 5595 1510

Visit the Refworks user guide for documentation and FAQs.

If you are not sure this is the right reference manager for you, take a look at this feature comparison table. If you change your mind at a later date, it easy to export your existing citation library to a new reference management system.
