Finding studies that use statistics
PubMed or Medline via Ovid
Including appropriate MeSH terms in your search can help you identify papers that talk about or use statistics or statistical methods.
On this page, you can see the section of the MeSH tree relating to Epidemiologic Methods at the bottom. Browse this section to find a specific subject heading you're interested in, which you can then include in your search.
If you need assistance with MeSH searching in either PubMed or Medline via Ovid please contact an HSM faculty librarian.
Including appropriate Emtree terms in your search can help you identify papers that talk about or use statistics or statistical methods.
In Embase, go to the Emtree browser and search for the statistical concept you're interested in, eg. 'analysis of covariance' or 'chi-square test'. You can then look through the suggested results to identify the best Emtree term which you can then include in your search. If you don't get what you're after, or you'd prefer to browse, you can browse the Emtree structure to find an appropriate term. Search the Emtree browser for 'statistical concepts' and browse the tree at the bottom. Depending on what you're interested in you could also search the Emtree browser for 'epidemiology', and browse the tree at the bottom.
If you need assistance with Emtree searching in Embase please contact an HSM faculty librarian.
Contact your librarians

Faculty Librarian
Bond University College, Health Sciences and Medicine
+61 7 55952135