Journal articles and theses
Research databases and tools
- Ebsco Databases This link opens in a new window
Multidisciplinary database specialising in academic journals, magazines and newspapers, many with full text and images.
- ProQuest This link opens in a new window
Multidisciplinary database with over 9,000 titles in full text. Covers many subject areas including business and economic, health and medical, criminology, psychology, military, news and world affairs, technology.
- Taylor and Francis Online This link opens in a new window
Full text access to research journals covering the social sciences and humanities collection, science and technology collection, medical and fresh collections, expert opinion journals and expert review journals.
Access is available from 1997.
Titles and issues available are indicated by a green icon.
- Wiley Online Library This link opens in a new window
Full text from journals covering the areas of life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities.
Full text access is from 1 January, 1997 to date.
- Information tools and appsAn A-Z list - filter and keyword search to find tools to suit your needs. The list includes data analysis, content creation, reference management and artificial intelligence tools.
Searching the Literature
Using all of these tools, you can develop a very complete citation picture.
- Web of Science This link opens in a new windowProduced by Thomson Reuters, Web of Science incorporates the Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and the Arts and Humanities Citation Index. Historically it has been the most widely used tool for performing citation analyses.
- Scopus This link opens in a new windowProduced by Elsevier, Scopus covers the sciences (life sciences, health sciences and physical sciences), social sciences and humanities.
Scopus LibGuide - an in-depth how to use Scopus guide provided by Elsevier.
Scopus records are also searchable in Library Search to signed in users.
- Google ScholarGoogle Scholar also tracks citation data. don't forget to change the settings to Find it at Bond so you can access the full-text.
- Bond student thesesMost Bond University theses are available from the University’s research portal. From 2004, higher degree research students have been required to provide digitised versions to the Library. Print copies of Bond theses are available. They are not for loan and must be used in the Library.
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global This link opens in a new window
Includes over 2 million thesis and dissertation citations from around the world, primarily North America and Europe. Over 1 million are available in full text PDF.
Full text is available for dissertations added since 1997.
Each dissertation published since July 1980 includes a 350 word abstract written by the author. Master's theses published since 1988 include 150 word abstracts.
- TroveTrove is produced by the National Library of Australia and enables federated searching of a wide range of information sources focusing on Australia and AustraliansTo search for Australian and International theses:
1. Enter your terms in the search box and click search
2. Under the Refine your results pane on the left of the screen, select Books
3. After selecting Books, choose the Thesis filter - Networked Digital Library of Theses and DissertationsSearch nearly 6 million electronic theses and dissertations records.
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Faculty Librarian
Society & Design
Transformation Colab
+61 7 5595 3347
Getting the full-text of an article
Can't find the full-text of an article? Use the A-Z Journals List to search for a journal's holdings.
If the library doesn't have access to the full-text, you can request it from another library via Library Search.