Books, journals and dictionaries
Books, journal articles and dictionaries
- Quicklaw Lexis+ Canada This link opens in a new window
Quicklaw is now available on the Lexis+ Platform.
Canadian legal research database which provides court decisions from all levels, news reports, provincial and federal statutes, journals, and other legal commentary. Includes a case citator and case digests.If using Lexis+ on the same browser in the same session, you must click on Sign Out in Quicklaw.
Quicklaw will timeout when a session remains inactive for a period of 15 minutes. This timeout period is set by Lexis and cannot be changed.
Quicklaw is where you can find the following two resources:
- Barron's Canadian Law Dictionary - This source contains the full text of Barron's Canadian Law Dictionary, 6th ed.
- Canadian legal words and phrases - Definitions come from different reliable sources.
- HeinOnline - Canadian law journals.Over 100 Canadian titles in the HeinOnline Law Journal Library collection
- Westlaw International This link opens in a new windowA large selection of Canadian journals are available through Westlaw.
This link will take you to the Westlaw homepage. From here select 'International Materials', then 'Canada', then 'Journals'.
- CanLIICommentary on CanLII includes various types of secondary law materials, from law reviews and treatises to reports and articles.
- Library SearchSearch for all types of information resources. Most of the library subscriptions are indexed and searchable.
Become an expert user with the Search and find library resources guide.
See the Secondary sources library research guide for more information on finding books, eBooks, journal articles and dictionaries.