Case law
Case law databases
- Quicklaw Lexis+ Canada This link opens in a new window
Quicklaw is now available on the Lexis+ Platform.
Canadian legal research database which provides court decisions from all levels, news reports, provincial and federal statutes, journals, and other legal commentary. Includes a case citator and case digests.If using Lexis+ on the same browser in the same session, you must click on Sign Out in Quicklaw.
Quicklaw will timeout when a session remains inactive for a period of 15 minutes. This timeout period is set by Lexis and cannot be changed.
Note that Quicklaw will timeout after 15 minutes of inactivity. Make sure you save your work.
- CanLII This link opens in a new windowTo note up a case in CanLII, enter your case name or citation straight into the Noteup search box, or bring up the case and hit the "cited by" document number.
- Westlaw International This link opens in a new windowThis link will take you to the Westlaw homepage. From here select 'International Materials', then 'Canada', then you can select the 'Cases' options.
Canadian cases note up automatically in Westlaw through "KeyCite". When you access a case, have a look at the tab options on the top next to where it says "Powered by KeyCite".
- On the web: Where to find Canadian case lawThe research guide of the Great Library, Law Society of Upper Canada. Provides links to case law, as well as case-related services and information available mainly from the websites of Canadian courts and administrative tribunals.
Canadian Law Resources