Clinical resources
- Rehabilitation Reference Center This link opens in a new windowRehabilitation Reference Centre is a clinical reference tool for use by rehabilitation clinicians at the point-of-care. RRC provides clinical reviews, research instruments, guidelines, exercise images, patient education handouts and more.
- OTseeker This link opens in a new windowOTSeeker aims to help occupational therapists quickly find research evidence to support their practice. It's a freely available database of evidence including randomised trials and systematic reviews. Most of the trials have been critically appraised for their validity and interpretability.
- BMJ Best Practice This link opens in a new windowBest Practice is a point of care resource developed by the BMJ Evidence Centre covering prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.
NEW: the Best Practice app is now available! From the Best Practice website click Mobile app at the bottom and follow the instructions.Users have the choice of creating a user profile or clicking on ‘Skip and continue to Best Practice’. It is not possible to remove this screen.
- UpToDate This link opens in a new windowUpToDate is an evidence-based point of care resource, developed in the United States. NEW: the UpToDate app is now available for staff and students. To access register for an account in UpToDate while logged in via Bond Library. You can then download the app and login with the username and password you created when registering.
New users will have to register a new account using your Bond University email by selecting the Access Now link above.
UpToDate can also be accessed via the app
- Download the app
- Select Log in using your institution - OpenAthens
- Search for Bond University Library in Find Your Institution
- Sign in with your Bond University Credentials
- Therapeutic Guidelines eTG complete This link opens in a new windoweTG Complete is the online version of Therapeutic Guidelines, and provides clear, concise, independent and evidence-based recommendations about patient management, developed by Australia’s leading medical experts.
There is an eTG app available. See the Apps and other downloads on the Medicine library guide for more information.
- DynaMed Plus This link opens in a new windowDynaMed Plus is an evidence based point of care tool produced by the company EBSCO. It is the point of care tool available at many Australian hospitals nationally, including Queensland Health institutions.
The DynaMed Plus app is available. First, access DynaMed via the Library and create a personal login. You can then download the app and use your login to get full access. - Cochrane Library This link opens in a new windowThe Cochrane Library provides access to the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (containing the systematic reviews produced by the Cochrane Collaboration), plus other resources such as CENTRAL (the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) and DARE (Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects).
- Trip Pro This link opens in a new windowThe Trip search engine allows you to search for clinical evidence across a wide variety of sources. It allows you to identify relevant evidence at all levels, from studies through to synopses, and some summaries. Bond has premium access to Trip - either access it using the icon on the left or via the Library website and the premium features will be available.
- MIMS Online This link opens in a new windowMIMS Online provides a wide range of Australian medicines information - full product information, drug/drug interaction module, consumer medical information and product images. Access is limited to 3 users at a time.
- Australian Medicines Handbook This link opens in a new windowThe Australian Medicines Handbook is an up-to-date, comparative formulary covering most of the drugs marketed in Australia.
Occupational therapy
Contact your librarians

Michelle Chitts
Faculty Librarian
Bond University College, Health Sciences and Medicine
+61 7 55952135