Using copyright materials
Fair Dealing - Research or Study
Students are able to reproduce copyright material without permission provided that the dealing is for research or study and that the copying is 'fair'. The Act deems 'fair' to mean:
- an article in a periodical publication (eg a journal article);
- more than one article if required for the same topic of research or course of study; or
- a "reasonable portion" (generally 10% or one chapter if the work is a published edition of 10 pages or more; or 10% of the words if in electronic form)
For the copying to be 'fair' in a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, you should consider the factors below.
- the purpose and character of the dealing (e.g., copying in connection with a course is likely to be fair whereas copying articles for commercial purposes would not);
- nature of the work (e.g., it may be less fair to copy a work resulting from a high degree of skill than a mundane work);
- can the work or audio-visual item be obtained within a reasonable time at an ordinary commercial price?
- what effect the dealing will have on the potential market? (e.g., making more than one copy is less likely to be fair than making one copy);
- the amount of the part being copied (e.g., it is less fair to copy a large or important part of the work than to copy a small or unimportant part?).
You cannot use copies made under the fair dealing provisions for any other purpose. Such copies are infringing copies and penalties may occur. The copyright owner's permission is required.
Always acknowledge the author and title of the work. See 'Moral rights' below.
What are moral rights?
Moral rights relate to a creator's reputation in connection with their work and have nothing to do with morality. You must give the creator of a literary, musical, artistic or dramatic work or of a film the right to be attributed as the creator of the work or film and the right to have the integrity of the work respected. These rights supplement the right of a creator not to have their work falsely attributed.
- The right of attribution - Attribute a creator when you reproduce part of a work, an image, or a graphic. It should be clear and reasonably prominent so that the person receiving a reproduction of the work can identify the creator.
- The right of integrity - A creator's work should not be subjected to derogatory treatment nor should you do something to a creator's work that is prejudicial to the reputation of the creator.
Copyright toolkit for researchers
- Copyright for Researchers ToolkitA downloadable toolkit for researchers including a sample permissions letter, checklist and simple-to-read information about copyright.
Download this document for ready-reference during your research.
Copyright for Higher Degree Research Students
- Copyright Guide for Research Students: What you need to know about copyright before depositing your electronic thesis in an online repositoryAn essential guide for PhD students.
Computer software
- Software shall not be copied on University computers or personally owned computers on any University campus except where authorised by the copyright owner
- Software manuals may only be copied in accordance with the provisions of the University policy on copying
- University funds shall not be used to purchase software that has been copied without approval of the copyright owner
- Illegally copied software from any source shall not be run on computers at Bond University
There are many websites that provide copyright-friendly music for educational and personal use - have a look at the Copyright & the Web tab.
Legislation for private copying of music has been recently amended. You may make a copy of a sound recording that you own solely for your private and domestic use. Otherwise, under the fair dealing provision, you require permission from the copyright owner to copy, record, download, communicate or perform music.
There are several collecting societies representing copyright owners, music publishers and sound recording companies. These include:
- Home
- Using copyright materials
- Plagiarism and academic integrity
- Copyright and the webToggle Dropdown
- Creative Commons licences
- Faculty help and support
Manager, Scholarly Publications & Copyright
+61 7 5595 1523