Law reports and cases: full text
This table is not comprehensive, particularly about overseas content.
Unreported Australian cases link to AustLII in the table. However, they may also be accessible on the court websites, Lexis Advance, Westlaw Australia or other sources.
Many of the older UK case reports from 1220 to 1867 are available through the 'ER' (English Reports). See HeinOnline's Chart of Reports (nominate reports) for a list of reports incorporated into the ER.
Abbreviation | Title | Jurisdiction | Access |
A Crim R | Australian Criminal Reports | AU | Westlaw Australia |
AAR | Administrative Appeals Reports | AU | Westlaw Australia |
AATA | Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia | AU | AustLII |
ABC | Australian Bankruptcy Cases | AU | Storage |
ABC (NS) | Australian Bankruptcy Cases (new series) | AU | Storage |
AC | Law Reports, Appeal Cases (1891 – ) - Official Law Reports of the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales | UK | ICLR |
ACCR | Australian Consumer Credit Reports | AU | Lexis+ |
ACL | Australian Current Law Reporter | AU | Lexis+ |
ACLC | Australian Company Law Cases | AU | CCH |
ACLR | Australian Company Law Reports | AU | Lexis+ |
ACompT | Australian Competition Tribunal | AU | AustLII |
ACopyT | Copyright Tribunal | AU | AustLII |
ACSCC | Australian Consumer Sales and Credit Law Cases | AU | Storage |
ACSR | Australian Corporations and Securities Reports | AU | Lexis+ |
ACTCA | Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory - Court of Appeal | AU | AustLII |
ACTLR | Australian Capital Territory Law Reports - Authorised law reports of the Australian Capital Territory Supreme Court | AU | Westlaw Australia |
ACTR | Australian Capital Territory Reports | AU | Lexis+ |
ACTSC | Australian Capital Territory Supreme Court | AU | AustLII |
AEG | Australian Estate and Gift Duty Cases | AU | Storage |
AILR | Australian Industrial Law Reports | AU | CCH |
AIPC | Australian Intellectual Property Cases | AU | CCH |
AIRC | Australian Industrial Relations Commission | AU | AustLII |
AJR | Australian Jurist Reports | AU | HeinOnline |
ALD | Administrative Law Decisions (Including Administrative Law Notes) Authorised law reports of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal | AU | Lexis+ |
ALJR | Australian Law Journal Reports | AU |
Westlaw Australia vol. 32 (1958) -present and Storage vol.1 (1927) - vol. 31 |
ALN | Administrative Law Notes - See ALD | AU | Lexis+ |
All ER | All England Law Reports | UK | |
All ER Rep | All England Law Reports Reprints | UK | |
All ER Rep Ext | All ER Reprints Extension | UK | |
ALR | Australian law reports | AU | Lexis+ |
ALT | Australian law times | AU | HeinOnline |
ANZ ConvR | Australian and New Zealand conveyancing reports | AU/NZ | CCH |
ANZ Ins Cas | Australian & New Zealand insurance cases | AU/NZ | CCH |
APA | Australian planning appeal decisions | AU | Storage |
App Cas | Law reports, appeal cases (second series) | UK | ICLR |
AR (NSW) | Industrial arbitration reports, New South Wales | AU | Storage |
ARLR | Australian resources law reports | AU | Westlaw Australia |
ASAL | Australian sales and fair trading law cases | AU | CCH |
ASC | Australian consumer sales and credit law cases | AU | CCH |
ASTLR | Australian succession and trusts law reports | AU | Westlaw Australia |
ATC | Australian tax cases | AU | CCH |
ATD | Australian tax decisions | AU | Storage |
ATPR | Australian trade practices reports | AU | CCH |
ATR | Australian tax reports | AU | Westlaw Australia |
Aust Contract Reports | Australian contract reports | AU | CCH |
Aust Torts Reports | Australian Torts Reports | AU | CCH |
C (NSW) | The New South Wales bankruptcy cases | AU | Storage |
BCLC | Butterworths company law cases | UK | Storage |
BFRA | Banking and Finance Reports of Australia | AU | Westlaw Australia |
BPR | Butterworths property reports | AU | Storage |
Bus LR | The Business Law reports | UK | ICLR |
CAR | Commonwealth arbitration reports | AU | Storage |
Ch | Law Reports, Chancery Division (1891 – ) - Official Law Reports of the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales | UK | ICLR |
ChD | Law reports, chancery division (2nd series) - 1875 to 1890 | UK | ICLR |
CLR | Commonwealth law reports - Authorised law reports for the High Court of Australia | AU | Westlaw Australia |
CPD | Law reports, common pleas division | UK | ICLR |
Cr App R | Criminal appeal reports | UK | Westlaw UK |
Cr App R (S) | Criminal appeal reports (sentencing) | UK | Westlaw UK |
CTBR | Commonwealth taxation board of review decisions | AU | Storage |
DCLR | Lawbook Co's District Court law reports (NSW) | AU | Westlaw Australia |
DDCR | Dust diseases and compensation reports | AU | Westlaw Australia |
DLR | Dominion law reports | Can | CanLII |
EOC | Equal opportunity cases | AU | CCH |
ER | English reports | UK | HeinOnline |
Ex D | Law reports, exchequer division | UK | ICLR |
Fam | Law Reports Family Division (1972 – ) - Official Law Reports of the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales | UK | ICLR |
FamCA | Family Court of Australia | AU | AustLII |
FamCAFC | Family Court of Australia - full court | AU | AustLII |
Fam LR | Family law reports | AU | Lexis+ |
FCA | Federal Court of Australia | AU | AustLII |
FCAFC | Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia | AU | AustLII |
FCCA | Federal Circuit Court of Australia | AU | AustLII |
FCR | Federal court reports - Authorised law reports for the Federal Court of Australia | AU | Westlaw Australia |
FCWA | Family Court of Western Australia | AU | AustLII |
FLC | Family law cases | AU | CCH |
FLR | Federal law reports | AU | Westlaw Australia |
FMCA | Federal Magistrates Court of Australia | AU | AustLII |
FMCAfam | Federal Magistrates Court of Australia - Family Law | AU | AustLII |
HCA | High Court of Australia | AU | AustLII |
HPC | Hayward's patent cases | UK | Storage |
ICR | Industrial Cases Reports | UK | ICLR |
IPR | Intellectual property reports | AU | Lexis+ |
IR | Industrial reports | AU | Westlaw Australia |
IRCA | Industrial Relations Court of Australia | AU | AustLII |
IRTA | Immigration Review Tribunal of Australia | AU | AustLII |
KB | Law reports, King's bench | UK | ICLR |
LGERA | Local government and environmental reports of Australia | AU | Westlaw Australia |
LGR | New South Wales local government reports | AU | Storage |
LR A & E | Law reports, admiralty and ecclesiastical | UK | ICLR |
LR CCR | Law reports, crown cases reserved | UK | ICLR |
LR Ch App | Law reports, chancery appeal cases | UK | ICLR |
LR CP | Law reports, common pleas | UK | ICLR |
LR Eq | Law reports, equity cases | UK | ICLR |
LR Ex | Law reports, exchequer cases | UK | ICLR |
LR HL | Law reports, English & Irish appeals | UK | ICLR |
LR (NSW) | Law reports, New South Wales | AU | AustLII |
LR PC | Law reports, privy council appeal cases | UK | ICLR |
LR P & D | Law reports, probate & divorce cases | UK | ICLR |
LR QB | Law reports, Queen's bench (1st series) | UK | ICLR |
LR Sc & Div | Law reports, House of Lords Scotch & divorce appeal cases | UK | ICLR |
LT | Law times reports | UK | Storage |
LT(A)R | Land titles (Australia) reports | AU | Westlaw Australia |
MCD | Magistrates' court decisions | NZ | Storage |
NNTTA | National Native Title Tribunal of Australia | AU | AustLII |
NSWCA | New South Wales Court of Appeal | AU | AustLII |
NSWCCA | Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Criminal Appeal | AU | AustLII |
NSW Conv R | New South Wales conveyancing reports | AU | CCH (1998-2021) |
NSWDC | District Court of New South Wales | AU | AustLII |
NSWIRComm | Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales | AU | AustLII |
NSWLR | New South Wales law reports - Authorised law reports for the Supreme Court of New South Wales | AU | |
NSWR | New South Wales reports | AU | Storage |
NSWSC | New South Wales Supreme Court | AU | AustLII |
NSW SCR | New South Wales supreme court reports | AU | Storage |
NTCA | Northern Territory Court of Appeal | AU | AustLII |
NTLR | Northern Territory law reports - Authorised law reports for the Northern Territory Supreme Court | AU | Westlaw Australia |
NTR | Northern Territory reports | AU | Lexis+ |
NTSC | Northern Territory Supreme Court | AU | AustLII |
NZLR | New Zealand law reports - Authorised law reports for the New Zealand Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court | NZ | Lexis+ |
P | Law Reports, probate | UK | ICLR |
PD | Law Reports, probate, divorce and admiralty division | UK | ICLR |
PNGLR | Papua and New Guinea law reports | PNG | Storage |
PTSR | Public and third sector law reports | UK | ICLR |
QADT | Anti-Discrimination Tribunal Queensland | AU | AustLII |
QB | Law Reports, Queen’s Bench Division (1891 – 1901, 1952 – ) - Official Law Reports of the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales | UK | ICLR |
QBD | Law reports, Queen's bench division | UK | ICLR |
QBT | Queensland Building Tribunal | AU | AustLII |
QCA | Supreme Court of Queensland - Court of Appeal | AU | AustLII |
QCAT | Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal | AU | AustLII |
QCLLR | Queensland crown lands law reports | AU | Lexis+ |
QConvR |
Queensland conveyancing reports (Cited as 'APLC' from 2022 on) |
AU | |
QCR | Queensland criminal reports | AU | Storage |
QDC | Queensland District Court Decisions | AU | AustLII |
Qd R | Queensland reports - Authorised law reports for the Queensland Supreme Court (Cited as 'Qd R' from 1958 to 2019. 'QR' from 2019 on) | AU | |
QIC | Queensland Industrial Court | AU | AustLII |
QICmr | Queensland Information Commissioner Decisions | AU | Officer of the Information Commissioner: Queensland |
QIRComm | Queensland Industrial Relations Commission | AU | AustLII |
QLAC | Land Appeal Court of Queensland | AU | AustLII |
QLC | Land Court of Queensland | AU | AustLII |
QLCR | Queensland land court reports | AU | Lexis+ |
QLJ | Queensland law journal reports | AU | Westlaw Australia |
QMC | Magistrates Court of Queensland | AU | AustLII |
QPEC | Queensland Planning and Environment Court | AU | AustLII |
QPELR | Queensland planning & environment law reports | AU | Lexis+ |
QPLR | Queensland planning law reports | AU | Storage |
QR | Queensland reports - Authorised law reports for the Queensland Supreme Court (Cited as 'Qd R' from 1958 to 2019. 'QR' from 2019 on) | AU | |
QSC | Supreme Court of Queensland | AU | AustLII |
QSCR | Queensland Supreme Court Reports | AU | Westlaw Australia |
Queensland Weekly Notes (Found under the Queensland Reports in Lexis+) |
AU |
and Lexis+ |
RPC | Reports of patent, design and trade mark cases | UK | Oxford Academic |
RRTA | Refugee Review Tribunal of Australia | AU | AustLII |
S | Shaw's session cases, 1st series | UK | Westlaw UK |
SADC | District Court of South Australia | AU | AustLII |
SAIRC | South Australian Industrial Relations Court | AU | AustLII |
SALR | South Australian law reports | AU | AustLII |
SASC | Supreme Court of South Australia | AU | AustLII |
SASR | South Australian state reports - Authorised law reports for the Supreme Court of South Australia | AU | |
SCR | Supreme court reports (Canada) | CAN | HeinOnline |
SLT | Scots law times | UK | Westlaw UK |
SR (NSW) | State reports New South Wales | AU | Westlaw Australia |
SR (WA) | State reports Western Australia | AU | Westlaw Australia |
St R Qd | State reports of Queensland | AU |
and Lexis+ |
Tas LR | Tasmanian Law Reports | AU | AustLII |
Tas R | Tasmanian reports - Authorised law reports for the Supreme Court of Tasmania | AU | |
Tas SR | Tasmanian state reports | AU | AustLII |
TASSC | Supreme Court of Tasmania | AU | AustLII |
TLR | Times law reports | UK | HeinOnline |
UKHL | United Kingdom House of Lords | UK | BaiLII |
UKSC | United Kingdom Supreme Court | UK | BaiLII |
VAR | Victorian administrative reports | AU | Westlaw Australia |
VCC | County Court of Victoria | AU | AustLII |
V Conv R | Victorian conveyancing reports | AU | CCH (1998-2021) |
VLR | Victorian law reports | AU | AustLII |
VLT | Victorian law times and legal observer | AU | AustLII |
VR | Victorian reports - Authorised law reports for the Supreme Court of Victoria | AU | |
VSC | Supreme Court of Victoria | AU | AustLII |
VSCA | Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal | AU | AustLII |
WADC | District Court of Western Australia | AU | AustLII |
WALR | Western Australian law reports | AU | AustLII |
WAR | Western Australian reports - Authorised law reports for the Supreme Court of Western Australia | AU | Westlaw Australia |
WASC | Supreme Court of Western Australia | AU | AustLII |
WASCA | Supreme Court of Western Australia - Court of Appeal | AU | AustLII |
WCR (NSW) | Workers' compensation reports, New South Wales | AU | Storage |
WCR (Qld) | Workers' compensation reports, Queensland | AU | Storage |
WLR | Weekly law reports | UK | ICLR |
WN (NSW) | Weekly notes, New South Wales | AU | Storage |
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