What is available?
The Library has an extensive range of online journals together with a print collection. Bond students and staff can access online journals on and off-campus.
The print journals are shelved on levels 3 and 4 of the Main Library, and on level 2 of the Law Library, alongside the books.
Journals can be found using Library Search.
Library Search can be used to search across the majority of journal content however, some key resources are not indexed and will need to be searched individually. Check out BrowZine for browsing journals in your subject area, see the Browse Journals tab below for more information.
To identify key journals or journal databases in your discipline refer to the relevant library guide. The research databases list is another option for finding these.
Searching for journals
Content type filter
When you are searching for information on a topic you can refine your search results to show only articles by selecting the Content Type Article or by choosing to show only 'Peer-reviewed Journals'. Peer review is a process where other researchers or professionals in the field assess the article and provide feedback before it is published.
Articles now also display indicators if they are preprints, retracted, withdrawn or changed since the original publication. These are also in the content type filters to help you identify dubious articles.
Pre-search filter
Select articles in the pre-search filter. You can apply the peer-reviewed or other filters when your search results appear.
When you have a citation to a journal article, you can search using Citation Search for the authors’ names and the title of the article and perhaps a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). These pieces of information describe the specific article.
Where possible Library Search will link directly to the full text of an article. If the Library does not have full-text available Bond students and staff can request them through Library Search. We will attempt to get a copy for you from another library. Digital copies of journal articles are usually supplied within 24 hours.
Print journal articles are not indexed in Library Search, however, you can search for the journal title or ISSN in Library Search to find out whether the correct volume and issue are available and the shelf location in the Library.
When you want to find a journal (not an article), search for the journal title or ISSN in Library Search.
Optionally you can prefilter the search by choosing Journals underneath the search bar.
Journal records appear in a standard search, but there will be many thousands of additional results. You can use the Content Type facet to filter to journals, or the Peer Reviewed Journals filter, but that will remove results for journals that are not peer reviewed.
If the journal is available online you will see links to the journal and the date ranges available.
Browsing journals
Use BrowZine to browse through journals in your subject area and save journals or articles to your personal bookshelf.
BrowZine is designed to emulate the experience of reading a print journal. Rather than searching for articles on a topic, BrowZine displays articles in journals by issue. BrowZine is ideal for people who have favourite journals they read regularly.
BrowZine features include:
- Browsing articles in your favourite journals (including introductions from the editor, research, commentary, reviews, etc.)
- Save your favourite journals to your own personal virtual bookshelf
- Export citations to EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley, etc.
BrowZine is also available as an app.
More information is available in the BrowZine guide.
More journal options
Using journal databases
Journal databases which index articles have their own search interfaces. These databases are often discipline specific. You can find the links to the Library’s journal databases by searching or browsing the list of research databases and tools that the Library subscribes to and open access resources that the Library recommends.
We also highlight recommended databases when you search for specific keywords in Library Search.
Content on the internet
Open access journals are available for free on the Internet. Most academic journals are not available without payment. The Library’s research databases and tools list and Library Search include recommended open access journals as well as the high quality content that is available to Bond students and staff through the Library’s subscriptions. To find quality search results start with the Library’s resources rather than a general search engine and save time.
Google Scholar is an exception to most Internet search engines as it indexes scholarly literature only. If you go to settings, then library links and choose Bond University Library you will be shown links to access content via the Library's subscriptions.
Related information
- Home
- By topic
- By format
- By author
- By citation trail
- Known items
- Save, export and organise resources
- Other Libraries
Research databases and tools
Unexpected Results?
Check the search scope you are using.
In general searching:
- Everything
- Bond Library Resources
or the special scope
- News Articles