Mapping resources
This page is a comprehensive list of mapping resources for architecture research. It includes interactive tools and services like Geoscience Australia Interactive Maps, LASSI, Melway Online, and others, offering access to geospatial data, property details, and high-resolution imagery. The page serves as a valuable starting point for students and researchers seeking spatial information related to various themes such as marine, geology, hazards, and more.
- Australian Government: Geoscience AustraliaInteractive Maps is a web application that allows users to explore Geoscience Australia's geospatial services and data. The application provides curated content on various scientific and decision support themes, such as marine and coastal, geology and geophysics, hazards, and water. Each theme has a map with queries and functions that access OGC web services and metadata.
- LASSILASSI (Land and Survey Spatial Information) is an online mapping service provided by Land Use Victoria. It allows users to search property details, identify land boundaries, and access survey information.
- Melway OnlineMelway Online is an interactive mapping service developed by Melway Publishing Pty Ltd. It provides detailed street maps and location information for Melbourne, Victoria, and its surrounding areas, including Geelong.
- National MapNationalMap is an online map-based tool that allows easy access to spatial data from Australian government agencies. It provides an open framework of geospatial data services that supports commercial and community innovation.
- Nearmap This link opens in a new window
Provides high-resolution aerial imagery of urban and regional metro areas in Australia.
How do I get an account?
All current Bond staff and students have access to Nearmap but must first receive an invitation to use the resource.
To receive an invitation please email using a email address to
The invitation from will be sent within 2 working days. Please check junk and spam folders if the invitation is not received.
Once the invitation is accepted, a welcome email will be received with login details.
- Queensland GlobeQueensland Globe is an online interactive tool that allows users to explore Queensland's location-based information. It provides access to high-resolution satellite imagery, spatial data layers, and details related to topics like tourism, property, and mining.
- Six MapsSix Maps is an interactive map interface for New South Wales, with features that allow users to search for locations and view different basemaps. It provides tools for navigation and exploration of geographical data.
- Vicmap BasemapsVicmap Basemaps is a service that provides tiled basemaps of Victoria, Australia, based on Vicmap data. The service offers different styles and projections of basemaps, updated weekly or annually, for web mapping and GIS applications.
- VicPlanVicPlan is a tool to find and view property or parcel information, zones and overlays, and planning rules in Victoria. You can search by address, parcel number, or browse on the map.
- BIG Academic Alliance GeoportalThe BIG Academic Alliance Geoportal is a collaborative online platform that provides access to a wide range of geospatial resources, including maps, data, and educational materials, from various academic institutions. It serves as a centralized hub for researchers, educators, and students to discover and utilize geographic information for their academic and scientific endeavours.
- Data OneDataONE is a community-driven project that was founded in 2009 to provide access to Earth and environmental data across multiple member repositories. It supports enhanced search and discovery of data, promotes best practices in data management, and envisions helping researchers, educators, and the public understand and conserve life on Earth and its environment.
- GEOSS (Group on Earth Observations)The website is an interactive mapping platform that allows users to explore various geographical data layers, such as OpenStreetMap (OSM), on a global scale. It provides tools for visualizing and analyzing spatial information, catering to a wide range of users interested in geography and mapping.
- Library of Congress: Cities and towns collectionThe Library of Congress Cities and Towns map collection includes maps that depict individual buildings to panoramic views of large urban areas, recording the evolution of cities and illustrating the development of economic activities, educational and religious facilities, parks, street patterns, and transportation systems. The collection is part of the world's largest and most comprehensive cartographic collection, with over 5.5 million maps, and features 3,763 items specifically in the Cities and Towns category.
- Library of Congress: Panoramic maps collectionThe panoramic map was a popular cartographic form used to depict U.S. and Canadian cities and towns during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Known also as bird's-eye views, perspective maps, and aero views, panoramic maps are non-photographic representations of cities portrayed as if viewed from above at an oblique angle. Although not generally drawn to scale, they show street patterns, individual buildings, and major landscape features in perspective.
- One GeologyOne Geology Global is a geoscience data portal that provides users with access to a variety of datasets and mapping tools. It allows users to view base maps, measure distances, save views, generate URLs for sharing, and access a catalog of geoscience information.
- Princeton University Library: Digital maps & geospatial dataThis resource is a digital map and geospatial data search platform that provides access to a vast collection of maps and land parcel data, primarily focusing on various counties in Kansas for the year 2018, as well as historical automobile road maps from Los Angeles to San Francisco dating back to 1913. It offers advanced search capabilities, allowing users to filter results by year, institution, format, and subject to find specific geospatial information or maps.
- CADMAPPERCADMapper is a web-based service that allows users to create CAD files for any location on earth by transforming data from public sources such as OpenStreetMap, NASA, and USGS into neatly organized CAD files. It's designed for architects, designers, and illustrators, offering free metro road networks for over 200 cities and the option to download larger areas for a fee.
- ArcGISArcGIS is a geographic information system (GIS) used for creating, managing, analyzing, and mapping various types of data. Developed and maintained by Esri, it empowers users with location intelligence and analytics capabilities.
- ArcGIS HubThe website is ArcGIS Hub, an easy-to-configure cloud platform that organizes people, data, and tools to accomplish Initiatives and promote community engagement. It can be used for exploring various sites, accessing data, viewing documents, and utilizing apps & maps related to geographic information systems (GIS).