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Import references

Prepare references with EndNote

Covidence will accept references in RIS or XML file formats. A simple method of importing references into Covidence is to first compile the results from all databases searched into a single EndNote library, then export them as an XML file to upload into Covidence. This approach helps with record keeping, as the total number of search results is clear from the number of records in the EndNote library.

To prepare the XML file, start a new EndNote library, then import all search results.

The Endnote guide explains how to import search results into EndNote.

Once all search results are loaded into the EndNote library, export them:

  • From EndNote, select all the references you wish to export and choose File > Export.
  • From the Save as type drop-down box, select XML (*.xml). It does not matter which output style you choose. Ensure the "Export Selected References" box is checked before creating the file.

Upload references

From the summary page of the review, click the Import button: 


Choose Screen from the Import in to dropdown menu, then choose the file and click Upload:


Once the references start importing into Covidence, the progress can be viewed from the summary page. Duplicates are automatically removed.
