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Legal materials

Find the full-text of a case from a citation

If you have a case citation, you have all the information you need to locate the full text of the decision. To check if you have access to the full text, view the Law: primary sources Library Guide.

Interpreting case law citations

Every case has a legal citation. A reported case might be cited as follows:

Peldan v Anderson (2006) 227 CLR 471

The elements of a reported citation are:

Attribute Example Description
Case Name Peldan v Anderson The parties to the case. There are other formats depending on the nature of the case.
Year 2006 This is the year the report was published - not necessarily the year of the judgment.
Volume number 227 The volume of the law report.
Law report abbreviation CLR This is short for Commonwealth Law Reports, a report series that contains cases decided in the High Court of Australia.
Starting page number 471 This is the page on which this particular case starts in volume 227 of the CLR.

Forensic psychology and legal books

Forensic Psychology and Law

Forensic Psychology and Law covers the latest theory, research, and practice in the field and provides thought-provoking discussion of the topics addressed.

Cover Art - The psychology of criminal conduct

The psychology of criminal conduct

Discusses the psychology of criminal behavior, drawing upon general personality, as well as cognitive-behavioral and cognitive social learning perspectives.

Laying down the law

Essential foundation topics covered include Australia's legal system and sources of law while discussion of current issues highlights the context in which our legal system operates and the role and responsibilities of the legal profession.


Criminology and forensic psychology