Journal articles
Good databases for journals
You can use Library Search to search for journals and articles, but you may like to use the following databases for more advanced search options:
- A+ Education This link opens in a new window
An abstract and full text database of journal articles from published material on all aspects of education.
Source documents include journal articles, books, research reports, theses, conference papers, legislation, parliamentary debates, news articles, tests and web. Articles and reports by Australian authors or about Australian education published from international sources are also included.
- Ebsco Databases This link opens in a new window
Multidisciplinary database specialising in academic journals, magazines and newspapers, many with full text and images.
- ProQuest This link opens in a new window
Multidisciplinary database with over 9,000 titles in full text. Covers many subject areas including business and economic, health and medical, criminology, psychology, military, news and world affairs, technology.
- ERIC ( This link opens in a new window
Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S Department of Education, this database contains journal and non-journal education literature.
Provides filters for both peer-reviewed and full text resources.
- Sage Journals Online This link opens in a new window
Online access to SAGE PREMIER Full Text from 1999 including the full text of individual SAGE journals in communication, criminology and management and organization studies from Vol.1.
Bond University has access to the following SAGE Full Text Collections:
- Communication Studies: A SAGE Full-Text Collection (1955 - current)
- Criminology: A SAGE Full-Text Collection (1921 - current)
- Management & Organization Studies: A SAGE Full-Text Collection (1947 - current)
- Taylor and Francis Online This link opens in a new windowFull text access to research journals covering social sciences and humanities subject areas. Access is available from 1997 -
Titles and issues available are indicated by a green icon.
- Wiley Online Library This link opens in a new window
Full text from journals covering the areas of life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities.
Full text access is from 1 January, 1997 to date.
- Google ScholarGoogle Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. You can access items held by Bond Library by using the Library Links feature.Go to Google Scholar
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Tick 'Bond University Library - FindIt@Bond
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