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Audiovisual media


According to Weston and Trifilettie (1998) ...


... as it had been identified (Weston and Trifilettie 1998).

Reference List

Author, A Year, Title - italicised, format, Studio, Place of origin.


Weston, P & Trifilettie, N 1998, Self marketing, video recording, Channel 1 Training Videos, Wantirna, Vic.


... as seen in Strictly Ballroom (1992) ...


... in other productions (Strictly Ballroom 1992).

Reference List

Title - italicised Year, format, publisher or distributor, place of publication.


Strictly Ballroom 1992, motion picture, Twentieth Century Fox, Moore Park NSW.


According to gsmokeyjoe (2007) ...


... as it had been identified (gsmokeyjoe 2007).

Reference List

Author year, Title of video italicised, format, viewed day month year, <URL>.


gsmokeyjoe 2007, Stephen Fry on the joys of swearing, online video, viewed 17 January 2012,



According to How Kickstarter works (2014) ...


... as it had been identified (How Kickstarter works 2014).

Reference List

Title of podcast Year, format, name (and place if possible) of the sponsor of the source, Day Month (of podcast), accessed day month year, <URL>


How Kickstarter works 2014, podcast, Stuff You Should Know, 25 Novmeber, accessed 2 December 2014 <>

Conference Papers


According to Stewart (2013) ...


... as it had been identified (Stewart 2013).

Reference List

Author, A Year, ' Title of paper', paper presented at conference title - italicised, place of conference, day and month.


Stewart, C 2013, 'Immersive assessment: can online assessment be made personal?', paper presented at THETA, Hobart, Tasmania, 7-10 April.


According to Abbott et al (2014) ...


... as it had been identified (Abbott et al 2014).

Reference List

Author, A & Author, B Year, ' Title of paper', paper presented at conference title - italicised, place of conference, day and month, viewed day month year, <URL>.


Abbott, W, Donaghey, J, Hare, J & Hopkins, P 2014 'The perfect storm: the convergence of social, mobile and photo technologies in libraries', paper presented at VALA2014, Melbourne, Victoria, 5 February, viewed 14 November 2014, <>.


According to Games (2011) ...


... as it had been identified (Games 2011).

Reference List

Papers presented at conferences are often collated and published as 'proceedings'.

Author, A & Author, B Year, ' Title of paper', Proceedings of conference title - italicised, publisher, ACM Digital Library, place of conference, page numbers.


Games, A & Kane, L 2011, 'Exploring adolescent's STEM learning through scaffolded game design', Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Foundations of Digital Games, Society for the Advancement of the Science of Digital Games, Bordeaux, France, pp.1-8.

Government publications


According to the Australian Institute of Criminology (2012) ...


... as it had been identified (Australian Institute of Criminology 2012).

Reference List

Agency name Year, Title of publication – italicised, publisher, place of publication.


Australian Institute of Criminology 2012, Male and female assault offending in Australia, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra.


According to Boxall et al (2012) ...


... as it had been identified (Boxall et al 2012).

Reference List

Author, A & Author, B Year, Title of publication – italicised, publisher, place of publication.


Boxall, H, Morgan, A & Terer, K 2005, Evaluation of the Family Group Conferencing pilot program, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra.

Legal materials


The first time a case is referred to in-text it should be cited in full. Subsequent citations can use an abbreviated form or the name by which the case is commonly known. Place the common or abbreviated name in parentheses after the first citation.

Case name - italicised | (Year) | Volume | Law report series | Starting page | (Abbreviated or common name)

First citation: According to Trobridge v. Hardy (1955) 94 CLR 147 (Torbridge v. Hardy) ...

Subsequent citations: In Torbridge v. Hardy it was argued ...


Reference List

Legal authorities are usually included in a list of references only if they are important to an understanding of the work. They should be presented in a separate list of references titled 'Legal authorities'.

Case name - italicised | (Year) | Volume | Law report series | Starting page.


Trobridge v. Hardy (1955) 94 CLR 147.


First citation: According to the Trustee Act 1928 ...

Subsequent citations: In the Trustee Act ...



The first time a case is referred to in-text it should be cited in full. Subsequent ciations can use an abbreviated form or the name by which the case is commonly known. Place the common or abbreviated name in parentheses after the first citation.

Case name - italicised | [Year] | Court identifier | Judgment number | Full date | (Abbreviated or common name)

First citation: According to the Quarmby v. Keating [2009] TASSC 80 (9 September 2009) (Quarmby v. Keating) ...

Subsequent citations: In Quarmby v. Keating it was argued ...


Reference List

Legal authorities are usually included in a list of references only if they are important to an understanding of the work. They should be presented in a separate list of references titled 'Legal authorities'.

Case name - italicised | [Year] | Court identifier | Judgment number | Full date.


Quarmby v. Keating [2009] TASSC 80 (9 September 2009).


First citation: According to the Trustee Act 1928 ...

Subsequent citations: In the Trustee Act ...


Cite the short formal title of the Act and the year for the first in-text citation. Subsequent citations use the short formal title with the year omitted.

First citation: According to the Trustee Act 1928 ...

Subsequent citations: In the Trustee Act ...

Reference List

Legislation is included in a list of references only if it is important to an understanding of the work and should be included in a separate reference list titled 'Legislation'.

Title - italicised | Year.


Trustee Act 1928.

Scientific, Technical, Business Reports


According to McCarthy et al (2006) ...


... as it had been identified (McCarthy et al 2006).


Reference List

Referenced as per a book, however  additional information about the report (such as the report number) may be included after the title as follows:

Author, A, & Author, B Year, Title of publication – italicised, Report No. xxx, (if applicable), publisher, place of publication.


McCarthy, K, Peterson, D, Sastry, N & Pollard, M 2006, The repopulation of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, Technical report TR-369, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California.


According to the World Health Organisation (2007) ...


... as it had been identified (World Health Organisation 2007).


Reference List

Referenced as per a book, however additional information about the report (such as the report number) may be included after the title as follows:

Organisation Year, Title of publication – italicised, Report No. xxx, (if applicable), publisher, place of publication.


World Health Organization 2007, The scientific basis of tobacco product regulation: report of a WHO study group, WHO technical report series, Technical report 945, World Health Organization, Geneva.

IBISWorld identifies the analyst who prepared the report.


According to Reeves (2019), the five years 2015 to ...

Reference List:

Reeves, M 2019, IBISWorld Industry Report C1131Milk and cream processing in Australia, IBISWorld, viewed 25 July 2019.

MarketLine Case study:

MarketLine. (2013, June 30). Nike Inc.: Building a diverse business. Case study. Retrieved February 14, 2018 from MarketLine Advantage database.

Social Media


According to Stephens (2014) ...


... as it had been identified (Stephens 2014).

Reference List

Author, A Year, Title of blog post, blog post, viewed day month year, <URL>.


Stephens, M 2014, See you at the New York Library Association!, blog post, viewed 1 December 2014, <>.

The Style Manual that this Harvard guide is based on does not provide specific information on how to reference social media posts. The examples listed here are included as a general guide only.


According to Gillard (2011) ...


... as it had been identified (Gillard 2011).

Reference List

Username or Group Name Year, social network name update, day month of update, viewed day month year, <URL>.


Gillard, J 2011, Facebook update, 11 November, viewed 24 November 2014, <>.

The Style Manual that this Harvard guide is based on does not provide specific information on how to reference social media posts. The examples listed here are included as a general guide only.

Theses or Dissertations


According to Loebnitz (2009) ...


... as it had been identified (Loebnitz 2009).

Reference List

Author, A Year, 'Title of thesis', type of thesis, name of institution, location.


Loebnitz, N 2009, 'The impact of country-of-origin on liability-of-foreignness', PhD thesis, Bond University, Gold Coast, Qld.


Legal material

There are different conventions for how to cite legal material. Follow one style consistently to help people read and use the information. Source: Australian Government Style Manual

Include separate reference lists for legal material in 3 situations

Certain government agencies and specialist legal publications will use a reference list.

Most government writers should only include a reference list if one of these applies:

  • People need the list to understand the content.
  • The content includes a reference list for non-legal sources.
  • It is agency style to have a reference list.

Set up separate lists under the subheadings ‘Legislation’ and ‘Legal cases’Arrange legislation and legal cases in alphabetical order under these headings.

Write the titles of Acts and legal cases in roman type, even though they’re italicised in the text. Blocks of italics are difficult to read.


[Reference list headings separate legislation from cases]


Long Service Leave (Commonwealth Employees) Regulation 2016

Maintenance Orders (Commonwealth Officers) Act 1966

Major Bank Levy Act 2017

Marine Insurance Act 1909

Legal cases

Dutton v Republic of South Africa [1999] FCA 2

HT v The Queen [2019] HCA 40

South Australia v Commonwealth (1942) 65 CLR 373 (First Uniform Tax Case)

Victorian Railways Commissioners v Brown (1906) 3 CLR 1132

Source: The Australian Government Style Manual, 2021

Harvard (Aus) referencing