Figures, images and tables
Figures, images and figures
Figures include graphics, such as photographs and illustrations.
General format for reference list
Number the figure or table in order and choose one of the following in-text/referencing formats:
- Add an in-text citation number after the figures caption and include full source details within the reference list.
- Include the full reference below the figure or table (do not repeat source details in the reference list).
In-text examples
Table 1. Baseline co-morbid diagnoses in sample.3
Figure 1. Noise-robust vision in humans and machines (Thompson JA. Noise increases the correspondence between artificial and human vision. PLoS Biol. 2021:19(12):e3001477. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3001477).
Style notes
- If the figure/table has a title include it in quotes.
- If the figure/table has no title include a brief 10-15 word description.
For an EndNote reference add the citation number after the caption. If inserting the full reference, create it manually.