Chapter 6: Books
See 6
- Place the book's title in italics, See 6.2
- Leave out 'The' at the start of a publisher's name. Leave out corporate status abbreviations such as 'Pty', 'Ltd', and 'Co', See 6.3.1
- Leave the edition number out if the book does not have one, See 6.3.2
- Pinpoint references are usually to pages, or pages and paragraphs. You may pinpoint to chapters, parts, or other relevant labelled designations of a book, See 6.4
- Where a book contains more than one volume, place 'vol' and the volume number after the publication details, outside of the brackets, See 6.5
Denis Ong, Trusts Law in Australia (Federation Press, 5th ed, 2018).
GE Dal Pont, Equity and Trusts: Commentary and Materials (Lawbook, 7th ed, 2019).
Laurence Boulle and Rachael Field, Mediation in Australia (LexisNexis Buttersworths, 2018).
Nickolas James et al, Business and Company Law (Wiley, 2nd ed, 2019).
Ulrich Haas and Deborah Healey (eds), Doping in Sport and the Law (Hart, 2016).
Pinpoint Examples
Nickolas James et al, Business and Company Law (Wiley, 2nd ed, 2019) 29. [pinpointing to a page]
Denis Ong, Trusts Law in Australia (Federation Press, 5th ed, 2018) 71–3. [pinpointing to a page range]
GE Dal Pont, Equity and Trusts: Commentary and Materials (Lawbook, 7th ed, 2019) 139 [4.180]. [pinpointing to a page and paragraph]
Laurence Boulle and Rachael Field, Mediation in Australia (LexisNexis Buttersworths, 2018) ch 7. [pinpointing to an entire chapter]
Chapter in an edited book, See 6.6.1
Alan Sullivan, 'The World Anti-Doping Code and Contract Law' in Ulrich Haas and Deborah Healey (eds), Doping in Sport and the Law (Hart, 2016) 61. [no pinpoint]
Alan Sullivan, 'The World Anti-Doping Code and Contract Law' in Ulrich Haas and Deborah Healey (eds), Doping in Sport and the Law (Hart, 2016) 61, 62. [pinpoint]