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Journal articles

Chapter 5: Journal Articles

See 5

  • The article title appears in single quotation marks, not italics, See 5.2
  • In journals organised by volume number, the year appears in round brackets. Where journals are organised by year (does not have a volume number - may have issue numbers but these reset every year), the year appears in square brackets, See 5.3
  • Include both the volume and issue number. Where an issue is a month or a season, include this as you would a number, See 5.4
  • Place the name of the journal in italics. Do not abbreviate the title of the journal. 'The' should not be included at the start of a journal title, See 5.5
  • The starting page of a journal article forms part of the citation and is separate from the pinpoint, See 5.6
  • Pinpoints in journal articles will generally be to pages, See 5.7
  • Articles published in online journals may not always include a volume, issue or starting page. In online articles the most appropriate form of pinpointing should be used, See 5.10
  • Where citing a forthcoming article (not yet published), replace the starting page number with the word '(forthcoming)', or '(advance') for an article available as an advance. Where not all information (such as volume or issue) is available, provide as much information as you can, See 5.11

Journal article organised by volume

Author, | 'Title' | (Year) | Volume(Issue) | Journal | Starting page number, | Pinpoint.


Journal article organised by year

Author, | 'Title' | [Year] | (Issue) | Journal | Starting page number, | Pinpoint.


Jackson Walkden-Brown, 'Digesting Discourse: How Animal Law Facilitates High Quality Legal Education' (2017) 27(1) Legal Education Review 261.

Narelle Bedford and Monica Taylor, 'Model No More: Querulent Behaviour, Vexatious Litigants and the Vexatious Proceedings Act 2005 (Qld)' (2014) 24(1) Journal of Judicial Administration 46.

Dan Jerker B Svantesson and William Van Caenegem, 'Is it Time for an Offence of "Dishonest Algorithmic Manipulation for Electoral Gain"?' (2017) 42(3) Alternative Law Journal 184.

Alison Vivian et al, 'Indigenous Self-Government in the Australian Federation' (2017) 20(1) Australian Indigenous Law Review 215.

Michael Kirby, 'Judicial Independence and Accountability: An Asia-Pacific Perspective' [2009] (1) LAWASIA Journal 1.

Martin Loughlin, 'Theory and Values in Public Law: An Interpretation' [2005] (Spring) Public Law 48.

Paul Kenny, Michael Blissenden and Sylvia Villios, 'Wine Options of Australian Tax Reform' (2017) 15(1) eJournal of Tax Research 22.


Pinpoint Examples

Narelle Bedford and Monica Taylor, 'Model No More: Querulent Behaviour, Vexatious Litigants and the Vexatious Proceedings Act 2005 (Qld)' (2014) 24(1) Journal of Judicial Administration 46, 49. [pinpointing to a page]

Dan Jerker B Svantesson and William Van Caenegem, 'Is it Time for an Offence of "Dishonest Algorithmic Manipulation for Electoral Gain"?' (2017) 42(3) Alternative Law Journal 184, 186–7. [pinpointing to a page range]