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Student usage and engagement

Resource Lists track student usage when a list is accessed, including:

  • Active students: The number of unique students who engaged with an item in any way.
  • Students who viewed full text: The number of unique students who viewed the full text or downloaded a file for an item.
  • Students who marked as done: The number of unique students who marked an item as done.
  • Number of loans: The number of times an item was loaned during the subject dates.

If you find usage of your list or specific items to be lower than you expected, take a look at the Tips for engagement page on this guide for ideas to increase student usage.

To check the analytics for a list:

  1. Starting from your subject in iLearn, open the Books & Tools menu and select Resource List.
  2. Click on the analytics icon in the bar on the ride side of the window:
    Screenshot of a Resource List with a rectangle around the analytics icon on the right sidebar of the screen.
  3. Within the analytics pane you can see the student activity, including:
    1. View the overall list usage.
    2. View individual item usage.
    3. Filter to a specific section.
    4. Filter to a specific item. 
    5. Export the item usage analytics to Excel.

Screenshot of the list analytics with numbered points indicating the location of the features.

Resource list – guide for educators