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Statutory licences

The Copyright Agency licence, also referred to as the Statutory Licence (s113P of the Act), allows copying of print and graphic works for educational purposes within limits. Providing copies (digital or hardcopy) beyond these limits is not authorised. Sheet music may also be copied within the copying limits. Copying under the Statutory licence does not include the reproduction of software, i.e. a computer program or application.

You can make as many hardcopies as you need for educational purposes eg. if there are 40 students in a subject you can make 40 hardcopies.

Copies may not be sold to students with the deliberate intention to make a profit.

All reproduced works should be fully cited by staff, and the Statutory Copyright Notice should be attached to all presentation and other materials shared with students.

Copying limits

  • Books and other separately published works
    In relation to works of 10 or more pages 10% of the total number of pages in that edition or where the work is divided into chapters - a single chapter.*  
  • Periodical publications 
    The whole or part of an article contained in any issue of a periodical publication (including newspapers and magazines) may be reproduced in hardcopy or provided to students via link to the resource. The whole or part of two or more articles contained in any issue of a periodical publication may be provided if those articles relate to the same subject matter eg. two articles about the Mabo case from a legal journal.
  • Artistic works
    An artistic work may be copied in whole or part if:
    a) the artistic work accompanies a literary or dramatic work for the purpose of explaining or illustrating the literary or dramatic work. Either the artistic work alone may be copied, or the artistic work, plus the accompanying text, provided the text has been copied within the limits; 
    b) the artistic work is separately published. If an artistic work has been separately published, no more than a reasonable portion of the work can be copied, unless a new copy of the artistic work cannot be obtained within a reasonable time at an ordinary commercial price.
  • Unavailable works
    The whole, or part, of a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work (other than an article in a periodical publication) can be copied if new copies of that work cannot be obtained within a reasonable time at an ordinary commercial price
  • Anthologies
    A work in an anthology may be copied if it does not exceed 15 pages. You can copy any number of such works within an anthology, up to a maximum total of 10% of the total pages of the anthology. A work may also be copied if it has not been separately published. Any number of such works may be copied within an anthology, up to a maximum total of 10% of the total pages.

*(Copyright Act Part II (2))

Types of materials

PowerPoint presentations

Provide a citation and link to the online source of any third party copyright material in your presentations, even if the amount is insubstantial (i.e. less than 1% of the whole item).  This includes extracts of text, images, artistic works, photographs, pictures, tables, charts etc.  The source can be hyperlinked to, or placed underneath the image or other reproduced work.

Always include a Warning Notice at the beginning of your presentation.  This is particularly important if you turn your PowerPoint into a PDF and make it available in iLearn.

Respect the copyright holder’s Moral Rights, and make sure that all sources of copyright material are properly acknowledged.

Recording lectures for mediasite

There are different provisions under the act for live streaming of lectures and for making a recording for viewing at a later date. Limitations on the amount (as per above) of copyright material that can be copied under the statutory licence must be observed.

In particular, it is important to include a complete reference to the works being used and include the Warning Notice at the beginning of the lecture.

Lectures containing commercial DVD excerpts

Commercially produced DVDs can be shown in class but must not be included in a recorded lecture. The copyright owner's permission is required to copy and communicate commercially produced DVDs. The recording must be paused or stopped whilst playing DVDs.

Lectures with streamed Youtube videos

YouTube videos cannot be captured in lecture recordings for Mediasite. The recording must be paused or stopped whilst playing YouTube material.

Alternatively, place a link to the Youtube selection in iLearn.

Lectures containing images and diagrams

Display the Warning Notice at the beginning of the lecture or as the first or second slide in your PowerPoint presentation.

Reference the work correctly.

Library reserve readings

Request digitisation of hardcopy materials

Digital course packs 

iLearn can be used for the effective and compliant provision of digital readings/course packs.

Read the guidelines on the Subject Resources page of this guide.

Hardcopy Course Manuals/Readers/Workbooks

For information on producing hardcopy course resources such as Laboratory Manuals, Workbooks and Readers please go to the Subject resources guidelines page.

Marking requirements

There are no marking requirements for photocopying. However, it is good practice to mark the copies with the work's title, author's name, publisher and date of publication (if known).

Exam and test questions

Staff may copy any amount of a work for inclusion in a test or exam question. Section 200 [s200] of the Australian Copyright Act allows for the use of copyright works in examination papers during an exam period. Once the examination period has ended the copyright works must be removed.

Copyright works used within exams should be referenced, apart from where the exam question excludes referencing as the reference will reveal the answer to the exam question. This exception only applies during the exam period.

Before an exam can be posted online as a past exam, the copyright works must either be registered with the Library via or permission must be sought from the copyright owner.


Staff may copy by handwriting any amount of a work for educational purposes.

Accessibility - print disabilities 

Additional provisions apply if copying for students with a print disability ie vision impairment. Please contact the Manager, Scholarly Publications and Copyright if this situation applies.

Copying under the Screenrights Licence 

The Screenrights licence provides broad use of off-air recordings from TV, radio and cable or satellite TV, including free to air podcasts that originate as broadcasts.  It does not cover content from services such as Stan or Netflix.

Conditions of the Licence

  • Access is restricted to Bond University staff and students.
  • A copy of a broadcast can only be used for educational purposes. 
  • The copy must not be used for any other purpose.
  • These limitations apply to all copies of broadcasts whether the University makes the copy, or it is sourced from a database (see below).

There is no restriction on the type of broadcast program that may be copied, the amount that can be copied or the number of copies that may be made, if the copies are made available under the University's Screenrights licence.

The following Notice must accompany each communication of a recording made under the Screenrights licence:

This programme has been communicated under the Statutory Licence pursuant to s113P(2) of the Copyright Act 1968 for the educational purposes of the University.

Content made available under this licence can be found in these Library educational databases: 

Using the recordings

  • The recordings can be shown and recorded in Collaborate classes and made available to students.
  • The recordings can be shown in lectures and captured in Panopto and
  • The recordings can be made available to students in iLearn via links in Resource Lists.
  • Copies may be used in full or clipped.
  • The above Notice must accompany the recordings.

See the Recording lectures and classes page in this guide for further information on using AV formats.

Copying under the licence with Music Societies 

Bond University has entered into a license agreement with various music societies negotiated on its behalf by Universities Australia which means that Bond University staff and students are able to copy and use music for educational purposes. Under the agreement Bond University will be able to reproduce, communicate and perform an extensive repertoire of musical works without having to obtain prior permission from copyright holders. 
Bond University pays an annual fee to the following collecting societies for access to music and sound recordings of their member artists and producers:

  • Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society (AMCOS)
  • Australasian Performing Right Association (APRA)
  • Australasian Record Industry Association (ARIA)
  • Phonographic Performance Company of Australia (PPCA).

What the license does cover:

  • Making audio recordings. Bond staff and students can make audio recordings of copyright music/sound for educational purposes in any format, provided they are:
    • For analysis by students in a course;
    • Intended to be played at University events; or
    • Of a University event.
  • Note: A University event containing a commercial sound recording can be streamed on University Social Media channels (where the audio has been captured simultaneously with the video recording).
  • Making video recordings: Bond can make video recordings which contains copyright music/sound for educational purposes in any format, provided they are:
    • Made by students as part of a course;
    • Recordings of AMCOS and ARIA sound recordings at a University event; 
    • Made available on a password protected platform, such as iLearn.
  • Synchronizing audio and video recordings for educational purposes;
  • Communicating and transmitting music on hold in phone systems;
  • Play music at free university events; 
  • Live music performance and playing of sound recordings at University events where the fee for entry is no greater than $60.00 (ex.GST).

What the license does not cover:

  • Copying musical scores – restricted to 10% of work under the Copyright Agency Agreement.
  • Downloading music from the Internet (unless the work is licensed).  See the audiovisual and music page for copyright-friendly music resources.
  • Copying cinematograph film or video.
  • Broadcasting musical work or sound recordings.
  • Copying and performing music (sound or video) in relation to Grand Right Works, Choral works of more than 20 minutes, Dramatic Works, Ballet.
  • Musical works not covered by Music Societies party to this Agreement.


The Music Societies Decision Tree is provided below to assist with understanding the compliant use of music under the Licence.

Contact the Manager, Scholarly Publications & Copyright for further compliance information.