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Reprinted figure e.g. table

Note. From “Title", by Author, A. A., Author, B. B. & Author, C.C., Year (URL). Copyright Year by Name of Copyright Holder.

  • Use copyright year and name of the copyright holder if permission is not required. 
  • Use CC License if Creative Commons licensed.
  • Use Reprinted with permission if permission is required and was requested from the copyright holder.
  • Use In the public domain if in the public domain.

Adapted figure

Note. Adapted from “Title", by Author, A. A., Author, B. B. & Author, C.C., Year (URL). Copyright Year by Name of Copyright Holder.

Reference List

Format in APA style according to the source e.g. website, book, journal article etc.


Permissions not required (paper will not be published)

Caption (if reprinted)

Note. From “Methods for mapping 3D chromosome architecture", by Kempfer, R., & Pombo, A., 2020 ( Copyright 2020 by Nature Reviews.

Caption (if adapted)

Note. Adapted from “Methods for mapping 3D chromosome architecture", by Kempfer, R., & Pombo, A., 2020 ( Copyright 2020 by Nature Reviews.

Reference list

Kempfer, R., & Pombo, A. (2020). Methods for mapping 3D chromosome architecture. Nature Reviews, 21(4), 207–226.

Creative Commons licensed

Caption (if reprinted)

Note. From “Threatened species program: 2020-2040", by Department of Environment and Science, 2020 ( Copyright 2020 CC BY 4.0

Caption (if adapted)

Note. Adapted from “Threatened species program: 2020-2040", by Department of Environment and Science, 2020 ( Copyright 2020 CC BY 4.0

Reference List

Department of Environment and Science. (2020). Threatened species program: 2020-2040. Queensland Government. 

Permissions granted from the copyright holder

Caption (if reprinted)

Note. From “Forensic Psychology", by Crighton, D. A., & Towl, G. J., 2015 ( Copyright 2015 by John Wiley & Sons. Reprinted with permission.

Caption (if adapted)

Note. Adapted from “Forensic Psychology", by Crighton, D. A., & Towl, G. J., 2015 ( Copyright 2015 by John Wiley & Sons. Adapted with permission.

Reference List

Crighton, D. A., & Towl, G. J. (2015). Forensic psychology. John Wiley & Sons.

In the public domain (copyright has expired)

Caption (if reprinted)

Note. From “Manua islands", by U.S. Department of Congress, 1984 ( In the public domain.

Caption (if adapted)

Note. Adapted from “Manua islands", by U.S. Department of Congress, 1984 ( In the public domain.

Reference List

U.S. Department of Congress. (1984). Manua islands [Map]. University of Texas Libraries.

Style notes

  • Figures require a caption as well as a full reference in the Reference List.
  • In-text references are not used for figures. The caption is used instead.
  • A work is in the public domain if it is out of copyright.