Edited book chapter
General format
General note
Reprinted figure
Note. From "Title of Chapter," by A. A. Author, B. B. Author, and C. C. Author, in E. E. Editor and F. F. Editor (Eds.), Title of Book (any edition or volume number, p. xx), Year, Publisher (DOI or URL). Copyright Statement.
Adapted figure
Note. Adapted from "Title of Chapter," by A. A. Author, B. B. Author, and C. C. Author, in E. E. Editor and F. F. Editor (Eds.), Title of Book (any edition or volume number, p. xx), Year, Publisher (DOI or URL). Copyright Statement.
Reference list
Format in APA style using the chapter in an edited book reference list format.
Figure 1
Map of the Dispersed Settlements Near South Norfolk
Note. Add a general note first with any information needed to understand the figure. Place the copyright attribution after the note as follows. From "Agriculture, Lords and Landscape in Medieval England," by T. Williamson, in M. McKerracher and H. Hamerow (Eds.), New Perspectives on the Medieval Agricultural Revolution: Crop, Stock and Furrow (p. 4), 2022, Liverpool University Press (https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv333ktnp). CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
Style notes
- The copyright attribution is placed after the general note. Specific notes and probability notes follow the copyright attribution.
- The note and figure title should be double-spaced (not shown here).
- Reverse order the initials and surname for the note but not the reference list entry.
- Add the edition or volume if available, if not leave it out and just add the page number where the artefact was found.