Clip art or stock image
This page demonstrates how to format the copyright attribution for a reprinted or adapted stock image or clip art image. Common sources include Getty Images, Pixabay, Flickr, Adobe Stock, and Shutterstock. If you are referring to an image without reproducing it in your paper, use the image reference list format.
Some images do not require attribution. See the Clip Art or Stock Image Referencing page on the APA Style blog for more information.
General format
General note
Reprinted stock image/clip art
Note. From Title of Image [Format], by A. A. Author, B. B. Author, and C. C. Author, Year, Site Name (URL). Copyright Statement.
Adapted stock image/clip art
Note. Adapted from Title of Image [Format], by A. A. Author, B. B. Author, and C. C. Author, Year, Site Name (URL). Copyright Statement.
Reference list
Format in APA style using the image reference list format.
Figure 1
Capela do Senhor da Boa Nova, Porto, Portugal
Note. From Capela do Senhor da Boa Nova [Photograph], by V. Oliveira, 2020, Flickr ( CC BY SA 2.0.
Style notes
- The copyright attribution is placed after the general note. Specific notes and probability notes follow the copyright attribution.
- The note and figure title should be double-spaced (not shown here).
- Reverse order the initials and surname for the note but not the reference list entry.
- Images and clip art from Microsoft products do not require a reference or copyright attribution.
- Ensure to include a reference list citation in the image format as well as the caption underneath the image.
- The format of the image could be a photograph, illustration, painting, etc.