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Copyright for learning and teaching

Copyright Compliance Training Course

The Copyright Compliance Training Course is tailored for Bond educators covering the wide use of copyright works for educational purposes including Fair Dealing exceptions, the University’s Statutory Licences, Resource Lists and iLearn, Creative Commons licences and using AV material in multi-modal classes.  

All educators are encouraged to take this informative and instructional course which contains interactive quizzes and a final test. 

To access the course, go to iLearn > Communities > Bond HR Learning & Development > Copyright Compliance

iLearn@Bond guidelines

Using Resource Lists easily and seamlessly provides resources to your students in iLearn and is the compliant way to deliver content in line with the University's Copyright and iLearn policies.

If you want to use an electronic resource on a website, or from a Library online database, stream a video or provide access to a government report, then linking to and citing the original resource from within a Resource List or an Articulate module is the compliant method of delivery.  

Do not upload pdfs directly into iLearn subject sites.

The Library has created a guide for educators on how to create and manage Resource Lists.

Consult these other pages in the guide for compliant use of copyright material in iLearn and Collaborate.

Digital resources

Copyright compliant use of digital resources can be achieved by:

  • Linking to and fully citing articles/chapters in Library databases and PDFs on legitimate websites in Resource Lists.

  • Placing only materials created by Bond University staff, i.e. where the copyright is owned by the University, into iLearn.

  • Placing a Copyright Notice at the beginning of each Bond University PowerPoint presentation that is uploaded.

  • Linking to and citing YouTube and other videos from within Resource Lists.

 Most importantly: PDFs and hardcopy material (e.g. a book chapter) must be provided to the Library for scanning and/or registration before being made available in iLearn. Add the citation to your Resource List and tag "Scan to eReserve". You may attach a scanned version to the citation if you have one. The Library will complete a copyright check and transfer it to the eReserve, then provide you with a link for your students. Contact your faculty librarian for assistance.

For more information see the subject resources guidelines.

Use of Library Resources and AI

When using generative artificial intelligence (genAI) for learning, teaching and research you must consider what you are legally allowed to upload into AI tools.   

Many library database agreements contain clauses about the use of AI, so please read the terms of use stated in the database listing footer to understand your obligations. (e.g

By connecting to and using Library commercial databases, online journals, videos and books you agree to:

  • Not input or upload files to any Gen AI sites or tools that may share or distribute the information from those files, unless expressly allowed by the vendor.

Please contact your faculty librarian with any questions.

Use of online images

It is best to use images that are free of copyright, or free to use under a Creative Commons licence.  Browse the copyright-friendly image databases on the Images page of this guide.

Most images will need an attribution and a link back to the source, or are available under a Creative Commons licence. The licence should should also be cited, and linked to.

Artistic works such as digital images, photographs and diagrams found on the internet can be used for teaching purposes under the following conditions.

Educators should ensure that:

  • The Copyright Warning Notice is displayed at the beginning of the lecture or as the first slide in your PowerPoint presentation.
  • The reproduced image is accompanied by a citation and a link back to the source where possible.
  • The limits on copying under the statutory licence are applied.

It is also recommended that all PowerPoint presentations that can be downloaded are Bond branded. 

Hardcopy scans and pdfs

No copyright material (a PDF of an article, book extract, etc.) should be downloaded and stored in iLearn@Bond, even if this is permitted such as in the case of open-access journals or freely available material on websites. Always link to the original resource, including online articles or books in databases to which the Library subscribes via your subject Resources List.

Hardcopy materials must be provided to the Library for scanning and registration before being made available in iLearn. Add the citation to your Resource List and tag it "Scan to eReserve". You may attach a scanned version to the citation if you have one. The Library will complete copyright checking and transfer it to the eReserve repository.  

Contact your faculty librarian for assistance.

Copies of newspaper articles, photographs, images, extracts from books, etc. that cannot be linked to, should also be sent to the Library.  To comply with copyright law, the Library can only make digital copies of one chapter or 10% of a book, or one article from a journal issue.

Do not upload pdfs directly into iLearn subject sites.

A Quick Copyright Checklist

How resources can best be delivered to students:



Resource List link


(use in lecture/tutorial)

Hardcopy Book

 Request the book be placed in the Library reserve for students

  1 chapter or 10% per unit per semester

Request Library to scan for your Resource List

Provide a link to scanned chapter


Vendor licences vary,

generally 1 chapter or 10%

✔ Can print within limits

Provide link

Article in a print journal

✔ Can scan or print

✔ Request Library to scan for your Resource List

Provide link

Article in a Library database

✔ Can print


Provide link

Website resource (e.g. article pdf)

Most allow downloads for personal,

some for educational use

✗ Read Terms of Use - usually in site footer

✔ Provide link. Do not upload pdfs into iLearn

Provide link. Do not record a website or app.

Website resource with

Creative Commons Creative Commons Licence

or ‘Free for education' status

Provide link

YouTube/Vimeo video

Check it’s a legal copy


✔ Provide a link or embed video

Can only record videos with Creative Commons or Public Domain licences

Commercially produced DVDs

Can borrow from Library

✔ Provide link to Library Search record

Can show during lectures. Must pause or stop recording while DVD is playing

Lecture notes, PowerPoints and other

Bond University branded works

✔ Use Warning Notice if 3rd party photos, diagrams etc. included. 

Creative Commons licensed items OK – provide link to licence

✔ Use Warning Notice if 3rd party photos, diagrams etc. included. 

Creative Commons licensed items OK – provide link to licence

✔ Use Warning Notice if 3rd party photos, diagrams etc. included. 

Creative Commons licensed items OK – provide link to licence


Contact your faculty librarian, or the Manager, Scholarly Publications & Copyright 

Download Checklist (pdf) 

Copyright friendly resources for iLearn

Visit the Open Access Resources guide to find a wealth of copyright friendly content that can be used for educational purposes.

Also see the Creative Commons Licences page for information on particular licences.


Did you know that PressDisplay offers functionality to link to digitised news articles?