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EndNote and Word

Cite While You Write

The Cite While You Write feature allows you to cite references from your EndNote library with just a few clicks within you Word document. With Cite While You Write you can instantly format your in-text citations and bibliography with your preferred referencing style.

To insert citations into Word:

  • Click the EndNote 21 tab from the toolbar.
  • Select Insert Citations.
  • Search for the citation you wish to insert. You can search for an author's name or for words from the title of your reference.
  • Select the reference you wish to use and click the Insert.
  • The reference will be inserted in-text and the full reference will be added the end of your document.

To add additional references to the same place in your document, i.e. to cite multiple authors:

  • Place your cursor into the citation.
  • Select Insert Citation.
  • Select the additional citation.
  • Click Insert.

Change referencing style

To see which style your references are being formatted in, or to change the reference style, select a new style from the EndNote ribbon:

Add page numbers to a citation

  • Click within the citation you would like to add page numbers to - the citation will be highlighted in grey.
  • Click the EndNote 21 tab and choose Edit & Manage Citation(s).
  • Under Formatted Citation, type the page numbers in the Pages field.
  • Click OK.

This is also how you can add text such as 'see also' to a citation. Instead of selecting the Pages field, type your text into the Prefix field.

Abbreviate corporate author's name in text

Abbreviating group author's names within the in-text citations is done manually:

  • Click the EndNote 21 tab from the toolbar.
  • Select Edit & Manage Citation(s) from the EndNote toolbar in MS Word (or right-click, into the in-text citation and choose Edit Citation(s)).
  • Select More.
  • Change the Formatting option to Exclude Author.
  • Type the abbreviation, followed by the punctuation required by the style into the Prefix field.
  • Include a space after the abbreviation.  
  • Select OK.

Merging multiple documents with EndNote references

If you have been working on multiple Word documents, such as chapters, you can combine them into a single document: 

  1. Unformat each document. Go to Word > EndNote tab > Convert to Unformatted. Save these changes.
  2. Open a new Word document.
  3. In Word, click Insert Object - Text from File.
  4. Select the documents in the order in which you want them to appear in the final document. Note: change the file names if you need to.
  5. Save this version of your document.
  6. Reformat your final document - Word > Tools > EndNote 21 > Update Citations and Bibliography.

Cite While You Write for Google Docs

Cite While You Write is compatible with Google Docs via your EndNote online account. It is not compatible with EndNote Desktop. 


Curly braces {Smith, 2017 #2} appearing in your Word document

Try these possible solutions: 

1. Ensure that EndNote formatting is turned on in the EndNote 21 tab in Word, then click update citations and bibliography. 


2. In Word open the option panel, go to advanced, then untick the box for "Show field codes instead of their values" (shortcut ALT+F9).
