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Known items

Searching for known items

Unlike exploratory searches, sometimes you know the author or title and want to narrow your search results accordingly. Start with Library Search to find a known item.

Library Search

Advanced search

Use Advanced Search to choose specific fields to search. Try the different options to specify how your search terms should be handled.

  • Is exact
  • Starts with
  • Contains

Combining a title and author search, along with setting a publication date range can narrow your results remarkably. The illustration below shows how combining an exact title with an author (starting with), and setting a publication date range can return only a few results.

Type of Search Search terms No. of results
Simple Keywords anywhere contain (the taming of the shrew Shakespeare) 12,669
Advanced Any field contains (The taming of the shrew) AND Any field contains (Shakespeare) 12,526
Advanced Title contains (The taming of the shrew) AND Author contains (Shakespeare) 589
Advanced Title is exact (The taming of the shrew) AND Author starts with (Shakespeare) 115
Advanced Title contains (The taming of the shrew) AND Author is exact (Shakespeare, William) and Start Year = 2020 and End Year = 2020 5

Screenshot of advanced search options

Citation Search

Library Search uses artificial intelligence to interpret properly formatted citations when they are pasted in the search bar. Usually you will see it as a top result.

However if that does not work, you can use the Citation Search feature.

Paste the citation details into the corresponding fields and click submit.

Robbie, & Warren, B. (1996). Taoist Approaches to the Shakespearean Sonnet: an examination of an innovative approach to teaching verse to non-native speakers of English. Research in Drama Education1(2), 233–243.

Screenshot of Citation Search

You will either be given direct access to the resource, or be presented with request options.

Tip. If you have a DOI (digital object identifier) or PMID (PubMed Id) for the resource you can save time by just putting one of those in the form and clicking submit. The rest of the details will be automatically populated.

DOI or PubMed ID search

A digital object identifier (DOI) is a unique identifier for online journal articles, some books and book chapters.

You can search for DOIs in Library Search simple search and citation search.

If you have one right now you can use this search box.

Lookup a journal article by DOI or PubMed ID (PMID) 

Browse titles and authors

Sometimes you might have a particular book in mind, but can't quite remember the title or the author's name.

You can browse the title and author indexes to help jog your memory. Select Browse Search in the menu at the top of Library Search. Then select the index you want to browse and enter your search term.

Screenshot of Browsing titles index