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Save, export and organise resources

Explore features in Library Search, research databases and tools to:

  • Save and tag items in your library collection
  • Stay up to date by saving searches and setting up email notifications
  • Organise resources by exporting citations to a reference manager

Saving and tagging items

Save and tag items in Library Search to help organise and retrieve items easily when you need them.

Library Search

  1. Sign in to Library Search, enter your keywords and search. 
  2. On the results page, click the pin icon to save items to your collection:
  3. Click on the pin icon at the top of the page to go to My Collection.
  4. You can add or remove tags using the pencil icon on each saved item:

Saving searches and email alerts

To help keep current, set up a search alert so that when new resources match your search criteria you will automatically receive an email or update via RSS. You can set up alerts in Library Search and research databases.

Library Search

  1. Sign in to Library Search, enter your search keywords, filter your results as required (e.g. specific content types) and from the top of the results select the Save this search option.
  2. Go to My Collection > Saved searches and select one of the alert options:
    •  Create an RSS feed for the search
    •  Enable email notifications for the search

Optionally, if you are interested in find out when new items are added to the library collection, such as books and videos, use the New to the Library facets:

See also, new books in the library for more options.

Research databases and tools

The process of setting up saved search alerts differs between databases. In most cases you just need to look for the RSS logo or the email alerts options. Some of the major databases that allow search alerts include:

Exporting items

You can export references from Library Search, research databases and tools to a reference manager to help organise, store and format citations. Look for the export options in a format such as RIS or to a specific tool such as RefWorks or EndNote Web:

Reference management tools allow you to store and manage the references that you gather in the course of your research. All of the reference management tools mentioned on this page share the following common features:

  • Add references manually, or by importing a PDF or a reference from a database
  • Organise your references into groups or folders
  • Share your references with other people
  • Create a reference list in a chosen referencing style
  • Insert in-text references while writing in Microsoft Word in a chosen referencing style

Choosing a reference manager

Use this table to compare the reference managers recommended by the Library.

Select rows to display:

Select columns to display:

  EndNote Mendeley RefWorks Zotero
Cost Free for Bond staff and students within Bond's licence.


Additional storage provided under Bond's Institutional membership

Free for Bond staff and students with Bond's licence.

Free and open source.

Small fee (paid by user) for additional storage.

Bond computers

Installed on student computers.

Available for staff from Company Portal.

Not installed on student computers.

Available for staff from Company Portal.

RefWorks Citations Manager (RCM) is installed on Bond computers for staff and students - for word processing integration

Not installed on student computers.

Available for staff from Company Portal.

Desktop or online Desktop with an online extension Desktop and online Online Desktop and online
Operating system Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS Not applicable. Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS, Android
Storage Unlimited

2 GB (Free version)

100 GB (Bond Institutional Edition)

100 GB

300 MB (Free account)

2 GB (Paid options beginning at USD $20/year)

Word processing

Microsoft Word Cite While You Write (CWYW) for Windows: 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, Office 365 (locally installed desktop version only)

Microsoft Word [CWYW] for macOS: 2016, 2019, 2021, Office 365 (locally installed desktop version only)

LibreOffice [CWYW] for Windows 4.x, 5.x, 6.x[32-bit]

Google Docs [CWYW] only using Endnote Web.

Windows - Word 2016, Word 2019, Office 365

MacOS - Word 2016, Word 2019, Office 365

iOS - Microsoft Word for iPad

Web Versions - Word Online, Office 365

Windows - Word 2010-2021 or Office 365

Mac - Word 2016–2021 or Office 365


Windows - Word 2010-2021 or Office 365, excluding Word 2010 Starter Edition

Mac - Word 2016–2021 or Office 365

LibreOffice - LibreOffice 5.2 or later



Share a library as read-and-write or read-only with up to 399 people

Unlimited number of read-and-write or read-only libraries shared to you

Free account - create up to 5 groups and share with up to 25 people (100 MB shared across all groups)

Bond Institutional Edition - share unlimited groups with up to 100 people

Share groups or whole projects. Share private groups, public closed groups or public open groups
Library support

Library guide

Personal consultations

Export results from Library Search

Citation from Libkey Nomad

Library guide

Personal consultations

Export results from Library Search

Citation from Libkey Nomad

Integration with Resource Lists

Library guide

Personal consultations

Export results from Library Search

Citation from Libkey Nomad

Integration with Resource Lists

Library guide

Personal consultations

Export results from Library Search

Citation from Libkey Nomad

Integration with Resource Lists

If you change your mind at a later date, it easy to export your existing citation library to a new reference management system.